Hey all! As many of you may have noticed my blog layout is somewhat atrocious and I have really been meaning to fix that! I've looked online for some free blog templates and layouts but I can't seem to get them to work nicely...ahh well I'll keep at it and hopefully the blog will look somewhat nice after that effort! What's more is that I'm a total noob at even finding blogs O_O...I don't know how to search for blogs I liked or reply to a comment or anything like that...I'm sure one of these days I'll find out or someone will kindly enlighten me! Till then I'll prod my way through the dark!
I've been meaning to get a red lipstick as of late but in case some of you didn't know, I have pink hair and red lips may clash with my mane and make me look like a clown. I'm sure I can pull it off though so I'll look around and see what.
This is the lipstick I've been eyeing for a while, the MAC lipstick in New Temptation. I tried it on at a counter and it looked alright since it's more on the pinky side, better for matching my hair! It's kinda of expensive though in Canada, a whopping $17.50 for some pigmented beeswax but it is so gosh darn pretty! Aghh we'll see, maybe I'll give in to the temptation, see what I did there? XD
The Revlon lip butters also seem like a good alternative to something lighter but they have a cute red, this one but I'm unsure of the name XD (browsing online). I'll check this one out soon too~!
If anyone is reading this a recommendation would be nice! I have brown eyes, pink hair and an olive-medium skin tone. Thanks everyone!